May 11, 2020
Spend a few minutes talking with people who work remotely and they sound like they have a language all their own. I once knew a colleague who bragged about working full time in her PJs, and that's a real thing now. That happens.
But professional freedoms aside, no matter where you work, you're going to have to manage the ebbs and flows of your day. And that means that you may need a boost to help you kickstart your morning. Turns out, Steamm Espresso is pretty good at that kind of thing.
Whether you're a straight-out-of-the-bottle sort, or prefer yours over ice with some of your milk of choice, or cut with hot water for a quick Americano, the two shots of Steamm will lift you up and rocket you on your way.
Suggested Success Formula
1. Make a List (some call these "To Do" lists)
2. Drink Steamm
3. Obliterate List in a Productivity Frenzy
If you could achieve anything, what would you make happen today?
March 27, 2020
March 25, 2020
There's a rhythm one gets used to in your working life, and that may be difficult for some to replicate from home. And we've been thinking about best practices, and how to create a little bit of normal in what for many feel like unusual circumstances.
Here are a few best practices to keep you both sane and efficient when you're working where you live.
January 19, 2020